Carla Cavaco
Age 30, Speech Therapist
“I loved the service I am extremely happy with my results (..) I am at a stage in my life in which I feel a great evolution in my mobility, strength and resistance in my body, which allows me to do things that I couldn´t do before.”

Hélio Martins
Age 56, Lab. Technician
“Training with my Personal trainer João Martins has completely changed my way of life. I feel a totally different person with more confidence and self esteem and my clinical exams are better and my cholesterol is lower.”

Marcela Madeira
Age 38, Businesswoman
“From the first day of training João understood my needs and priorities and worked with me in best achieving them. I very much liked his attitude when training, he always believes that we can achieve a little more…”

Carina Alexandra
Age 36, Administrative
“I acquired this service because I had just had my fourth child and I was feeling that my recuperation in terms of weight and physical form was slow or none at all. When I got to know João I noticed that besides the exercising, he also had a lot of knowledge about nutrition.”

Patrícia Filipe
Age 30, Cardiopneumology Professional
“The greatest advantages of this personalized training service are the confidence and motivation it gives me, corrects my technical failures while exercising which can be very important to some joints (…) even when I´m down, I know I have that appointment and I go willingly.”