Nutrition and good eating habits are essential for the success in a good health and fitness program. My focus on food and nutrition is so important to me as when I am training my costumers. It´s very important to understand the impact of a healthy diet on your physical performance.

Changing to a healthy diet with regular physical training brings to your well being a series of psychological and physical benefits. Some types of food may become great allies to the exercises you’re undergoing bringing more energy resulting in making the most of their potential.

Nutritional supplements are also important to our diet because the levels of nutrient in our food have been diminishing slowly over the years, especially in the vegetables.

Good eating habits can bring a lot of benefits to your physical and mental health over the years, guaranteeing longevity and a better quality of life.
The benefits of doing physical exercise are known for a long time. According to the World Health Organization, physical activity reduces the risk of premature death by cardio vascular disease, diabetes type II and colon cancer.

It also reduces depression and anxiety, helps control body weight, reduces hypertension, maintains your health, muscle and skeletal system in optimal functional condition, and betters your mobility and psychological well being.

The physical exercise must be based on an initial evaluation and the progress of the sports practitioner, taking into account his objectives. The training programme is structured to all of the components of the physical condition of the sports practitioner.

For this reason none of the exercises, be them based on strength, cardio-respiratory resistance, flexibility and relaxation, should not be overvalued in respect to each other, so that we can achieve better benefits to our health, betterment of our quality of life and help us achieve our objectives.